{\rtf1\ansi\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil MS Sans Serif;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset2 Symbol;}{\f2\fswiss\fprq2 System;}{\f3\fnil Times New Roman;}{\f4\fswiss\fprq2 Arial;}{\f5\froman\fprq2 Times New Roman;}{\f6\fnil Arial;}} {\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0;\red128\green0\blue128;} \deflang1033\pard\qc\plain\f4\fs24\cf0\b INSTRUCTIONS \par \pard\plain\f5\fs20 \par \plain\f4\fs20\cf0 Following\plain\f4\fs20 are six exercises to help you quickly learn Kurzweil VoicePad's basic editing commands. Each exercise consists of two parts: \par \pard\li360\fi-360{\*\pn\pnlvlblt\pnf1\pnindent360{\pntxtb\'b7}}\plain\f4\fs20 {\pntext\f1\'b7\tab}Instructions \par {\pntext\f1\'b7\tab}Practice -- a brief script for you to dictate \par \pard\plain\f4\fs20 To dictate, position the cursor at the \plain\f4\fs20\cf1\b >\plain\f4\fs20 character immediately following each script and dictate the example. For best results, dictate each example slowly with a brief pause after each word. Continue to repeat each example until you can dictate comfortably at a moderate rate (35-45 WPM) with high recognition accuracy. \par \plain\f5\fs20 \par \plain\f4\fs20\b Commands:\plain\f4\fs20 All commands (such as ) are capitalized and set off in brackets. Be sure to say these commands as a single utterance without inserting a pause between words. \par \par \plain\f6\fs20\cf1\b To end this Practice session and begin your own document at any time: \plain\f6\fs20\cf1 Say and then on the New dialog box. Say when you are asked about saving your changes. \par \plain\f4\fs20 \par \pard\qc\plain\f4\fs20 *****\plain\f4\fs24 \par \plain\f4\fs24\b \par Exercise 1:\plain\f4\fs24 \plain\f4\fs24\i Turning the microphone on and off \par \pard\plain\f4\fs20 \par \plain\f4\fs20\b INSTRUCTIONS\plain\f4\fs20 \par \par Before using VoicePad, make sure the microphone is properly installed. You can turn the microphone on and off by pressing CTRL and ALT at the same time using the keyboard. Once you have turned on the microphone with the keyboard, you can continue to use CTRL + ALT to turn it off and on, or you can use the voice commands and . \par \par \pard\li990\fi-990\tx540\tx990\plain\f4\fs20 \tab \plain\f4\fs20\b On\plain\f4\fs20 \tab A green microphone button means the microphone is on, and VoicePad is listening. \par \tab \plain\f4\fs20\b Off\tab \plain\f4\fs20 A gray microphone button means that the microphone is off, and that VoicePad is not listening. \par \pard\tx540\plain\f4\fs20 \par Generally, you should keep the microphone off unless you are speaking to VoicePad. See online Help for more information about controlling the microphone. \par \pard\plain\f4\fs20 \par If the microphone button is gray now, turn it on using CTRL + ALT to complete the following practice. As you dictate, notice the messages in the status panel next to the microphone button. \par \par \plain\f4\fs20\b PRACTICE \par \plain\f4\fs20 \par \par \par \par \par \plain\f6\fs20\cf1\b >\plain\f6\fs20\cf1 \par \plain\f4\fs20 \par \pard\qc\plain\f4\fs20 ***** \par \par \plain\f4\fs20\b \plain\f4\fs24\b Exercise 2:\plain\f4\fs24 \plain\f4\fs24\i Say all punctuation characters\plain\f4\fs24 \par \pard\plain\f4\fs20 \par \plain\f4\fs20\b INSTRUCTIONS\plain\f4\fs20 \par \par Be sure to say all punctuation characters when using VoicePad. Try the following three sentences. Don't worry if VoicePad misrecognizes a word you say. You'll learn to correct misrecognitions in Exercise 5. (Note: You can say to capitalize the word you just said.) \par \par \plain\f4\fs20\b PRACTICE \par \plain\f4\fs20 \par \par \par Here is some text Now that was very exciting Is today Wednesday \par \par \plain\f6\fs20\cf1\b >\plain\f6\fs20\cf1 \par \plain\f4\fs20 \par \par \par \pard\qc\plain\f4\fs20 ***** \par \pard\plain\f4\fs20 \par \pard\qc\plain\f4\fs24\b Exercise 3: \plain\f4\fs24\i Deleting text \par \pard\plain\f4\fs20 \par \plain\f4\fs20\b INSTRUCTIONS \par \plain\f4\fs20 \par You can delete individual words by saying . Use when you want to change a word, but not to correct a misrecognized word. (Misrecognized words should be corrected using either the or command so VoicePad can learn more about how you pronounce specific words.) \par \par Dictate the following sentence, then delete each word using the command. Notice that the period is deleted as a word by itself. \par \par \plain\f4\fs20\b PRACTICE \par \plain\f4\fs20 \par \par \par Let's delete this sentence \par \par \plain\f6\fs20\cf1\b >\plain\f6\fs20\cf1 \par \plain\f4\fs20 \par \par \par \pard\qc\plain\f4\fs20 ***** \par \par \plain\f4\fs24\b Exercise 4:\plain\f4\fs24 \plain\f4\fs24\i Navigating in text \par \pard\plain\f4\fs20 \par \plain\f4\fs20\b INSTRUCTIONS \par \plain\f4\fs20 \par Use the and commands to move through the sentences that you dictate. repositions the cursor back to its initial location. \par \par \plain\f4\fs20\b PRACTICE \par \plain\f4\fs20 \par \par You can navigate sentences by using various voice commands \par \par \plain\f6\fs20\cf1\b >\plain\f6\fs20\cf1 \par \plain\f4\fs20 \par \par \par \pard\qc\plain\f4\fs20 ***** \par \plain\f4\fs20\b \par \plain\f4\fs24\b Exercise 5:\plain\f4\fs24 \plain\f4\fs24\i Using the Take window to correct text \par \pard\plain\f4\fs24 \par \plain\f4\fs20\b INSTRUCTIONS \par \plain\f4\fs20 \par Whenever a word is misrecognized, you should always look at the Take window to see if the correct word is listed. If the word is listed, you can use one of the Take commands, , or , to insert the correct word. If the word is not in the Take window, use the command described in Exercise 6. \par \par Each of the following sentences will probably have a misrecognized word when you dictate it. Try the following procedure to fix any incorrect words: \par \par \pard\li270\fi-270\tx270\plain\f4\fs20 1\tab Dictate the entire sentence. \par 2\tab Use the Navigation commands ( and ) to position the cursor to the right of the misrecognized word. \par 3\tab Look in the Take window. \par 4\tab Say the appropriate command to fix the misrecognized word. \par 5\tab Use to reposition the cursor at the end of the sentence. \par \pard\plain\f4\fs20 \par The first two sentences have the appropriate commands inserted. Try fixing the last sentence on your own. \par \par \plain\f4\fs20\b PRACTICE \par \plain\f4\fs20 \par \par \par My father purchased four apples \par \par \plain\f6\fs20\cf1\b >\plain\f6\fs20\cf1 \par \plain\f4\fs20 \par Two men ran across the road \par \par \plain\f6\fs20\cf1\b >\plain\f6\fs20\cf1 \par \plain\f4\fs20 \par Our car runs very well. \par \par \plain\f6\fs20\cf1\b >\plain\f6\fs20\cf1 \par \plain\f4\fs20 \par \par \par \pard\qc\plain\f4\fs20 ***** \par \pard\plain\f4\fs24 \par \pard\qc\plain\f4\fs24\b Exercise 6:\plain\f4\fs24 \plain\f4\fs24\i Using to correct misrecognitions \par and add new words\plain\f4\fs20 \par \pard\plain\f4\fs20 \par \plain\f4\fs20\b INSTRUCTIONS \par \plain\f4\fs20 \par If a word is misrecognized and the correct word does not show up in the Take window, it is probably not in VoicePad's active vocabulary. Consequently, this new word will need to be added to the vocabulary list. New words can be added using this simple procedure: \par \par \pard\li270\fi-270\tx270\plain\f4\fs20 1\tab Move the cursor to the right of the misrecognized word using Navigation commands. \par 2\tab Look in the Take window to see if the correct word is displayed. \par 3\tab If the correct word is not present, say . \par 4\tab When the Correct That window displays, type in the correct word. As you type, watch to see if the correct word appears. If the correct word is present, say the appropriate command. If you type the entire word, simply say to insert the word into your text and add it to VoicePad's vocabulary. \par \pard\plain\f4\fs20 \par The final word in each of the three following sentences is not present in VoicePad's vocabulary. Correct each of these misrecognized words using the procedure as outlined above. Complete instructions are given for the first sentence only. \par \par \plain\f4\fs20\b PRACTICE \par \plain\f4\fs20 \par \par \par My car has a bad alternator (Type in the word "alternator" and say .) \par \par \plain\f6\fs20\cf1\b >\plain\f6\fs20\cf1 \par \plain\f4\fs20 \par Many people listen to the music of Madonna. \par \par \plain\f6\fs20\cf1\b >\plain\f6\fs20\cf1 \par \plain\f4\fs20 \par Children love the movie Aladdin. \par \plain\f6\fs20\cf1\b >\plain\f6\fs20\cf1 \par \plain\f4\fs20 \par \par \plain\f6\fs20\cf1\b Congratulations on completing the Kurzweil VoicePad Pro Practice session. \par \par To end Practice and begin your own document: \plain\f6\fs20\cf1 \par Say and then on the New dialog box. Say when you are asked about saving your changes. \par \plain\f4\fs20 \par }